
Expert Bunion Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Expert Bunion Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Bunions are hard bony projections that are noted at the base of your big toe. They’re a part of the big toe joint that has been forced out of normal alignment and position due to ongoing pressure and force on the joint. Over time, these forces overpower the joint and put it outward, creating the deformity which can lead to pain and stiffness. Without treatment, the bunion will continue to get worse with the big toe sometimes crossing over into your other toes creating even more pain. Patients with bunions, even small ones, can have difficulty finding shoes that fit and can often get painful corns or blisters.

Find relief with Bunion Treatment by Dr. Rohan Thamby, DPM in San Francisco, CA. Trust our expertise for comfortable and healthy feet. Schedule your consultation today.


What Causes Bunions?

Bunions can occur through several manners:

How Are Bunions Treated?

Bunions can be treated through conservative means to alleviate your symptoms such as wider shoes or orthotics. If the problems and pain persists then surgery may be needed to reposition the joint. Surgery consists of as small of an incision as possible along with tiny screws inserted during surgery to help hold the joint in its normal position.

Can Bunions Be Prevented?

Bunions are best prevented by wearing well fitting shoes that provide comfort and stability. Orthotics can be extremely help in preventing deforming forces that could lead to bunion formation and pain.
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