Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Ingrown Toenails Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Even a little ingrown nail can make wearing shoes incredibly uncomfortable. Ingrown toenails can be excruciatingly painful. When the edge of the nail rubs up against the soft tissue lining the side of the nail bed, the nail becomes ingrown. This edge grows into the soft tissue with the nail as it develops, embedding itself there and producing discomfort, swelling, and redness. If left untreated, an infection around the nail could grow and end up spreading to the toe or perhaps other parts of the foot. People who wear shoes that are too small or constrictive in the toe area, those whose nails grow more roundedly, and those who shape their nails into curves are more likely to get ingrown toenails. People with weakened immune systems or circulatory issues, especially those with diabetes, are more likely to contract infections.

Trust Dr. Rohan Thamby, DPM in San Francisco, CA for expert Ingrown Toenails Treatment. Regain comfort and healthy feet with our specialized care. Schedule your consultation today.

What is the Remedy for Ingrown Toenails?

Professional nail trimming can be used to remove the part of the nail that is extending into the skin, and gauze can then be applied to elevate the nail away from the nail bed. To cure an infection that has already developed, it may occasionally be necessary to remove the entire nail or a bigger piece of it. After the nail has been taken out, the region can be treated with a specific liquid to stop the nail from growing back into the skin. Another option for treating infections is to administer antibiotics.  

How Can Ingrown Toenails Be Avoided?

Trimming toenails straight across and not too short will prevent the nail’s edge from growing into the skin, which is the best technique to avoid ingrown toenails. Another crucial step in preventing pressure along the side of the toe from pushing the skin up against the nail is to wear shoes with lots of leeway in the toe.

Can I Take Care of an Ingrown Toenail Myself?

A podiatrist should always assess ingrown toenails. Because treating an ingrown nail at home might allow an infection to progress or even worsen existing nail bed damage, it can be challenging to recognize the early indications of an infection.

Ingrown Toenails Treatment in San Francisco, CA
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