Toenail Fungus

Expert Toenail Fungus Treatment in San Francisco, CA

Expert Toenail Fungus Treatment in San Francisco, CA

The fungi known as dermatophytes that cause toenail fungus enter the nail bed through a microscopic cut or other tiny opening in the skin. Treatment becomes significantly more challenging as the dermatophytes become embedded in the deeper skin layers beneath the nail, which serves as a protective shield. Walking barefoot in public locker rooms or showers can increase the chance of being infected because dermatophytes enjoy warm, humid settings. Wearing socks or shoes that have been infected with fungus can potentially spread the sickness. Additionally, they affect persons more frequently who have immune system or circulatory issues.

Trust Dr. Rohan Thamby, DPM in San Francisco, CA for expert Toenail Fungus Treatment. Regain healthy nails and comfortable feet with our specialized care. Schedule your appointment today.


What Symptoms Does Toenail Fungus Cause?

Under the nail, toenail fungus typically begins as a small spot of discolouration before slowly spreading to the remainder of the nail. Eventually, the region under the nail will become delicate, especially when pressure is applied, and the nail itself will become ragged and brittle. Without treatment, the nail can start to smell bad and the infection might spread to adjacent toenails. Wearing shoes can be particularly unpleasant for people who have untreated toenail fungus because the shoe will press against the fragile and irritated nail bed.

My Nails Have Thickened and Turned Discolored. What Can I Do to Stop Them From Deteriorating Further?

Nail fungus is the primary cause of thick, discolored nails. The interior of a shoe provides a warm, wet, and gloomy environment, which is ideal for nail fungus growth. The best strategy to stop nail fungus from spreading is to keep the feet cold, dry, and exposed to air and light. You can avoid moisture buildup in your feet by wearing wool or moisture-wicking socks. Despite being a natural fabric, cotton is not advised since it traps moisture next to your skin, especially in the enclosed space that your shoe produces. If you exercise, taking off your shoes and changing into open-toed footwear right away after your activity will also help to prevent moisture buildup. In addition to ultraviolet shoe trees that eliminate fungus in your shoes, there are over-the-counter treatments you can use to treat athlete’s foot and clean your shoes. Maintaining the feet as cool and dry as possible is the key to preventing athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

Fungus under your nails is far more challenging to treat once it has spread. Currently available therapies include laser therapy and oral antifungal medication. The majority of patients choose laser therapy because it does not put the liver at danger in the same way that oral drugs do. Even though they have greatly improved, topical therapies are still ineffective as a primary form of therapy.

Please schedule an appointment for an evaluation if you would want further details on how to handle your particular case of sports foot and nail fungus.

How Does Laser Treatment Work?

The first FDA-approved laser for treating nail fungus is used in Dr. Co's office: the Pinpointe laser. In order to instantly kill fungal cells, the Pinpointe laser desiccates fungal spores using heat. The three distinct treatments I recommend, each spaced by two months, are applied to all the nails that are problematic. The nails are debrided after each treatment to get rid of any remaining fungus-related matter, and all nails that are impacted are then treated with lasers. About 10 to 15 minutes are spent on each visit.

The laser is not hot at first, but as the nail absorbs the laser heat, your toe will feel as though a match is over it. After the laser is removed, the heat soon diminishes. After a laser treatment, there are no restrictions and you are free to engage in all of your normal activities.

How Long Will It Take for Laser Treatment to Produce Results?

A millimeter every month, or at a snail's pace, is how long nails grow. A nail needs nine to twelve months to completely replace itself. You'll notice clearing at the nail's base that will keep pushing out month after month. It will take between 9 to 12 months after the initial laser treatment to experience complete effectiveness. But if adequate cleanliness is maintained, the nails may continue to get better even after the first year.

On the other hand, if the nail is not firmly attached to the nail bed or if the feet are frequently exposed to a warm, dark, and wet environment, nail fungus might recur. For example, wearing moisture-wicking socks, cutting your nails short, using antifungals, and switching up your shoes are all suggestions to protect your laser treatment.

For his Pinpointe laser patients, Dr. Co makes it a point to follow up frequently in order to ensure they have the greatest outcomes.

How is Toenail Fungus Treated?

Currently, oral medications or laser therapy for fungal nails are the most effective treatments for toenail fungus. Topical medications with a prescription dose can occasionally be used to treat toenail fungus. The FDA recently approved laser therapy for toenail fungus. In this procedure, laser radiation that is extremely focused is sent through the skin and toenail to the deeper layers of tissue that contain the fungi. Laser treatment is painless, doesn’t require anesthetic, may be done in-office, and there is no downtime afterward. Most patients feel a warming sensation throughout the procedure when the laser light penetrates the tissues it is intended to treat.

Our office is presently offering state-of-the-art laser fungal nail treatment.

Expert Toenail Fungus Treatment in San Francisco, CA
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